Current Projects
We are dedicated to promoting equity, creating safer schools, and conducting research that leads to positive change for vulnerable youth, families, and communities. Our mission is to make a meaningful impact on society and to create a better future for all.
Juvenile Risk and Needs Assessment Collaborative
The project aims to gain a better understanding of the risk, needs, and strengths of the youth under the court's jurisdiction, and to determine the most effective judicial treatment based on criminogenic profiles.
Collaborative Crisis Intervention Diversion Program
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Collaborative Crisis Intervention Diversion Program (CCIDP) in increasing school safety and reducing recidivism rates. Interviews will be conducted to understand the perspectives of students, parents, school personnel, and program participants on school discipline and the impact of CCIDP on the school environment.
(DSTPP) Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline
The study explored the relationship between restorative practices, school discipline, and intersectional disparities through the lens of students, teachers, and parents. The findings shed light on the complex nature of these issues and provide insights for developing more inclusive and effective approaches to working with students.
An Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid to STOP School Violence
The study investigates the effects of mental health first aid training on attitudes towards mental health issues, stigma and mental wellness promotion. The goal is to reduce school violence by training adults and youth in school/education/community settings to counter the effects of the youth mental health crisis.
"Hidden World:" Exploring the Experiences of Students in Last-Chance Alternative Schools
The project uses a narrative inquiry qualitative design that allows students to offer advice on improving the educational experiences of students educated in alternative school settings.
Early Literacy, Absenteeism, and Climate
As scholars studying educational leadership and organizational improvement, the science of reading and effective literacy instruction, and restorative practices, we bring different lenses to the integrated problems of literacy, attendance, and climate.